There is only the Creator. There is no duality of a Creator and a Creation.
There is no Creature. There is no separateness between the Creator and Creator.
There is an illusion of separateness. We have lived our whole life in this illusion that we think we are separate and distinct.
We are expressions of the Creator.
We are made exactly in the Creators image. We are a holographic projection of light expressing the Creator.
We have no free will or individuality or separateness. . We have no special-ness or uniqueness that is us. We add nothing to the Creators expression.
We are living the life as an expression of the Creator. Everything we do is the Creator expressing through us.
Everyday – we act and behave according to the will and expression od the Creator. We have no control over our day.
There is only the Creator – One – The source and substance of all reality living through us in these bodies.
Talking and thinking and acting and reacting – Only the Creator expresses.