Live in the now. Don’t focus on the past of the future. Focus everything on doing exactly what you are doing now right. Concentrate on now and your thoughts will follow into now.
How many times have you played it out in your mind the scene where someone wronged you.
One – you see a creature as the source of your pain – you don’t see the Creator. You blame them for their action. You live a life of constant turmoil because of all these things the perceived other creatures are dong and not resting in the fact that there are no creatures – there is Only the Creator expressing.
The Creator is expressing everyone on this planet and beyond. Each is a character the Creator is playing.
True Oneness is only seeing One as the source of all – expressing all.
View and react to everyone and everything that happens as the Creator acting.
Do want is in front of you. One step at a time.
Give your A game. Do the best you can at all you do.
Eventually, you see that you don’t even exist. It is an illusion. There reality is that only the Creator exists. We become aware that we are the Creator expressing – nothing more. Our consciousness move from a self existence to Oneness consciousness to all that is.
You are waking up to your true self – the Creator expressing.