The vast majority of the human beings living on this planet agree on certain core understandings.
Is there another way to view the world and its comings and goings?
I will discuss a world view ( My truth ) where everything is opposite of the mind set of the majority of all thinkers. I will venture to say you have never even thought or contemplated these ideas.
Nothing is the Basis Of All
In the beginning – if there was one – there was nothing. Nothing is the basis – the starting point. From nothing we add something and now we have nothing and a something.
Nothing never goes away as the nothing is the basis of all. Everything comes from nothing.
The jump from nothing to adding a something comes from nothing. Nothing creates everything. Everything is an expression formed in nothing to become something.
Everything starts from zero and goes to one with the creation of the first something.
Nothing creates all. Everything is an expression of nothing. Call nothing the Creator for our purposes. The source of all creation is the Creator.
Every expression is an expression of the Creator. There is only nothing and one. Both the same – both from nothing.
There Is Only The Creator.
The Creator creates – expresses everything. There is only the Creator. There is only nothing.
The Creator expresses all we see and don’t see. One Actor.
Everything is an expression of the Creator. There is no creation. There is only the Creator.
There is no creation. There is no separateness of the Creator and creation. Everything is an expression only of the Creator. Everything is perfect now and today and tomorrow as it is only the Creator expressing.
If you see only the Creator and don’t make a distinction of a Creator and creation then you can see everything as it is. Everything as it is says all is the expression of the Creator. There is no good or bad rather good and bad as both sides of One. One expression – perfect and exactly as it should be.It changes the way you view the world and events…
If you live in a world where everything and everyone is either good or bad…. you live in a world of judgments.
You can only be happy when thing are good and you are unhappy when things you see are not good. It is a roller coaster of good days and bad days just because you make the distinction of good or bad.
If you see everything as perfect – exactly the way it should be – then you see neither good or bad – your only see the wonderful works of the Creator – expressing.
There Is Only One Character.
When you watch a movie. You naturally like or dislike the characters in the drama. The way they talk or react or actions they do to the benefit or detriment of others. You know are not actually that person – it is only a movie. They are acting according to the directions of the movie director and playing the character assigned to them.
View everyone in real every day life the same as a movie. Understand that everyone is doing the same. They are just characters and expressions of the Creator. You are just an expression. Everyone expresses the Creator expression.
Marvel at their character and don’t judge their goodness or badness. Enjoy everyone as being exactly perfect at this moment – a character in a play. Love their character as perfect. It is the only way to love everyone. To love them as they are – flaws aside
You can only love everyone if you feel love for who they area. Love them as an expression of the Creator in your life.
The greatest distance from loving everyone is hating everyone. Judgments and criticisms of what idiot jackasses other people are. Criticism of the person. They are no looking at the Creator – they are looking at the creature. See everyone as an expression of the Creator only.
View as character in a drama being played. Not a actual separate entity. There is only the Creator.. there is no creation
View without judgment on the characters positive or negative. Just see them as they are. The expression of the Creator
Love everyone as perfect. Playing their part in the drama of One expressing
There is One actor.
Everyone is simultaneously expressing the Creator.
The Creator is simultaneously expressing everyone.
We always see the Creator
There are no creations. There is only the Creator expressing…