One Thinker.

This is a wonderful video I found on the Internet.

Hi! This is Tami; here with a view of how to view your life differently. We’re going to be talking about thinking and thoughts today because it sure is interesting to really be in this space of unity and consciousness of being oneness, of being wholeness.


So when we look at this, that there really is only one thinker. There really is only one origin or originator of thinking, and that is our being, that is awareness of being. And so, as I’m speaking, it is the one voice coming out of me.

There is no separation of an individual thinking itself and expressing itself. That this is all timelessness; the origin of thought coming as timelessness and just being expressed because in unity, in unity consciousness, There Is Just One, There Is A Union, There Is One. And You See One. That’s it.

So in every thought process, when we are thinking that there is only one being thinking and all of the thinking occurs, all of it happens through the timelessness of the being, that this – what you see here – is simply the vehicle for it to be expressed.

We’ve heard this thinking before of, “Well, gosh, whatever you think about, you bring about.” So whatever is brought before you, that there is a someone that is responsible for that, either positive or negative. And yet, when we look at that there is only one being thinking, there is only one creator, there is only one originator, that it simplifies everything that gosh, when I’m thinking, that whatever thought is there, it has no meaning. It has no meaning whatsoever because it’s really the zero point, the flat liner that is there.

So just being one with this, it’s like the thinker just thinks itself into oblivion. It is boundless. There are no limits to the thinking. It just is and like is. So there is no one that is causing the thinker and no thinking that is going to come back and haunt the thinker for thinking it [Laughs]. It just is.

Thinking happens. I mean, when we look at our – I have mentioned previously that our body’s breath happens, digestion happens, my lips happen, my voice happens. Everything happens and it just is life happening. It is just source sourcing itself. It is just pure, simple awareness being just right here.

So thought is the same. If I had to be the Tami – the personality, the individual – had to be responsible for breathing and monitoring my heart and digestion and everything that goes along with all the so-called “bodily functions,” I’d be a mess because I’d have to be thinking constantly about the whole process of everything that occurs from the breath and watching the breath, making sure the breath is doing what it’s supposed to do. But yet it happens. It just simply happens. And this just simply happens. So thinking is the same. Thinking simply happens. It just is. It is life experiencing itself. It just is.

And so, it’s a very simple way of just looking at every piece of our thinking, so to speak, to say when we’re thinking a thought, that when they have heard, “Well, changes change your thought,” there is no one to change the thought. If the thought “changes,” so to speak, then there is no one that is changing that thought. It is nothingness that is there. It is the being that is there, it is the being beyond time in the timelessness.

And so, you as the individual, can’t do anything about anything. The thinking that you can, it will just have you running around in circles because there’s the separateness again as you as the individual, that I’m a separate thinker. And then the being, God, awareness, source or whatever thinks sometimes, and then the individual thinks sometimes, where there really is only one. Only one. And should separation occur where the individual thinks that it’s doing something, it’s just being expressing itself as separation.

And so really, there’s no right and wrong, there’s no good and bad, there’s no I need to evaluate my thinking and go up and down the scale to see where I am because you, as the individual, can’t do anything because it isn’t you doing it.

There is no you.

There is no separate self doing anything.

It’s all being being. It is just being. It just is simply, simply happening and it is just life is.

So maybe this will assist the life that is not yours and never was yours. There is no yours. There’s nothing that you have to be responsible for, that going back to how my thoughts got me here, to say, “Well, actually, there is no you to get you anywhere because there’s nothing and everything at the same time.”

So this has been useful for simplicity, for the being-ness of just simply – there is just this beautiful, unconditional love of whatever is occurring, whatever is happening, and that the being is the instigator, is the originator of everything and nothing, because it can’t be pointed to. You can’t grasp this. The individual can’t grasp because you’re not designed to, the physical mind was never designed to be the originator of anything. It’s just the separation occurs and duality thinking that of course, I’m the originator of everything because it’s always searching for something. It’s always searching for something for the purpose of something.

So of course, it will be thinking that it’s the originator of anything, but then that would indicate that there’s two entities when there’s really only one. And it just unfolds into such simplicity to say just oneness, just wholeness because you can’t do anything. If I had an apple here, if I had an apple, then I would explain to you that there isn’t anything that I could do to that apple, that I can add to that apple that would indicate anything less than wholeness. Everything is already whole. It’s already here, it’s already whole and the individual can’t do anything because the individual self is separation of that which is whole.

So, maybe this will assist you and just be; just be the simplicity of being the thought that is there. Witness it. It’s almost like you just get to be in love with the thought because you know who is the originator, where the origins come from in the timelessness.

Again, this is Tami. Thank you so much!

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